Book Rave: The Loudest Duck by Laura Liswood

There are many books I plan to rave about and yet I had to jump ahead and write about this one; I just finished listening to it and cannot stop talking about ducks, elephants, and giraffes, “Oh my!” I must rave about The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity While Embracing Differences by Laura Liswood sooner than later as I will likely reference it many times over in future blogging. Liswood explains dominant and non-dominant cultures; dominant being anyone in the majority group, non-dominant being the minority. In writing this rave, I realized I cannot rewrite her book for you as I found myself attempting in the first version of this post…Instead I will muse over how fitting her book is for the military.

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Book Rave: Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

My first book rave must of course be for Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, I chose this one because it truly opened my eyes to my true passion in life. It is embarrassing how excited I get when I think of helping other women Lean In to their career. The desire to support my sisters in arms lead me to forming different circles of support and create this blog.

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